Entity Level

In Federation of B&H

Tax Incentives

Law on Corporate Income Tax enables foreign investors to enjoy the following benefits:

– The taxpayer who invests, from its own funds, in production equipment more than 50% of the total profit in the current tax period, shall be reduced of the obligation of the calculated tax for 30% of the amount in the year of investment.

– The taxpayer who in a period of 5 consecutive years makes investments from its own funds, in the total amount of 10 million €, starting with the first year when taxpayer has to invest at least 2 million €, shall be reduced of  the obligations of the calculated income tax for 50% of the amount in the year of investment.

– The taxpayer is entitled to a tax-deductible expense in the double amount of the gross wage paid to newly employees if  meets the following conditions:

– duration of the employment contract must be at least for a period of 12 months with full-time working hour

– new employee was not employed with the taxpayer or a related person in the previous five years.

Other incentives

Federal Ministry of Development, Entrepreneurship and Crafts


The public call is announced annually and supports micro and small businesses (up to 49 employees). Some of the funding topics are:

– incentives for newly established small business entities

– youth entrepreneurship

– women’s entrepreneurship

– introduction of ISO; CE, HACCAP

– support for strengthening the competitiveness of exporters

Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry


A public call is published annually, which defines the lines of support, eligible applicants and projects. Funds are placed through:

– Credit guarantee fund

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry

A public call is published annually, which defines the lines of support, eligible applicants and projects. Funds are placed through:

– Support for the development of agriculture

Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism


A public call is published annually, which defines the lines of support, eligible applicants and projects. Funds are placed through:

– Development of tourism

– Support to the hospitality sector

Development Bank of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


The bank has formed loan products for companies, and the funds are placed through:

– Long-term loans

– Short-term loans

– Guarantee fund

– Projects with foreign donors for the competitiveness of domestic companies

The loan is realized throughout the year

Environmental Protection Fund

A public call is published annually, which defines the lines of support, eligible applicants and projects. Fund funds that can be used by companies for:

– Environmental protection projects

– Waste management projects

– Energy use improvement projects

Federal Employment Agency


Annually, it publishes employment support programs and can offer funding opportunities for larger employers in retraining programs.

The Institute’s annual public calls include the following employment co-financing programs:

– “First work experience” program – employment of unemployed persons up to 30 years of age;

– Program “Opportunity for all” – employment of all categories of unemployed, regardless of age, education, gender;

– Program “Periodic/seasonal employment” – seasonal employment of all categories of unemployed;

– “Job Voucher” program – help with (self)employment of long-term unemployed persons.

– Fund for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities

– https://fond.ba/

– Annually publishes a call for co-financing of employment and self-employment of persons with disabilities

Supported by: Government of Canton Sarajevo